

他们做什么,如何成为他们中的一员, & 他们的病人如何受益


家庭bbin大全/bbin白菜平台大全bbin大全/bbin白菜平台大全行业中增长最快的领域之一, as it improves both the quality of care and quality of life for many types of patients, 对于那些面临长期健康挑战的人, 流动的限制, 或者其他因素可以使在家接受bbin大全/bbin白菜平台大全更容易, 被亲人和熟悉的人包围着, 舒适的环境.

家庭保健的上升趋势也延伸到物理治疗. Physical therapists and their assistants (和平) are increasingly bringing their services directly to patients’ homes, enabling more consistent care and much greater convenience for the people they treat.

bbin宝盈娱乐客户端下载来仔细看看家庭保健的好处, 物理治疗师助理是如何融入其中的呢, 以及成为家庭健康家庭教师教师需要做些什么. We’ll also cover some of the technological advances in home health care and a few of the challenges 和平 are likely to face while practicing outside of a traditional physical therapy 诊所.


顾名思义, home health care encompasses any form of treatment carried out from inside the comfort of a patient’s home. 家庭保健可由医生管理, 护士, 物理和职业治疗师, 或者其他受过培训的提供者.

而许多不同类型的病人接受家庭保健, the nature of their health challenges usually means receiving care at home is more practical than traveling to a hospital or 诊所. 这可能是由于行动能力的限制, 病情:病人病情的严重程度, 或者仅仅是他们每天需要的护理量.

Physical therapy can be especially effective in a home health care setting because physical therapists and 和平 can get a firsthand look at their patients’ daily routines and develop treatment plans tailored toward each person’s lifestyle and long-term therapy goals. Because physical therapy often involves strengthening or regaining certain muscles or movements, 每天的家务可以很好地反映病人的病情进展.


在治疗家庭保健病人时, physical therapist assistants have many of the same responsibilities they do in a traditional PT 诊所. 助教总是在有执照的物理治疗师的指导下工作, but their training and expertise also allow them a fair amount of on-the-job autonomy.

Physical therapist assistants regularly aid their supervising therapist during initial assessments to determine a patient’s current level of functioning. 在家庭护理环境中, patient assessments often involve observing the patient’s ability to accomplish certain daily tasks.

而物理治疗师则负责制定治疗计划, pta在执行这些目标方面起着重要作用. 他们示范如何正确地进行运动或练习, supervise patients during exercises to ensure proper form and help patients stay safe and comfortable during their therapy sessions. 私人护理师还提供一些动手治疗,比如按摩, 伸展运动, 冷热疗法, 电刺激, 还有很多其他形式.

Physical therapy treatment plans frequently change based on how the patient responds, 所以家庭健康pta也参与了测量, 跟踪, 记录病人的病情进展. 重要的是要追踪力量, 平衡, 活动范围, and other indicators change over time so a physical therapist can make adjustments as necessary.

在家庭医疗环境中, 和平 also commonly educate patients and their family members or other caregivers on how to continue a treatment plan. 这可以包括每天锻炼来增强力量和柔韧性, 用冰敷或热敷来缓解疼痛和炎症, or learning to use adaptive equipment that will improve a patient’s mobility and independence.



pta治疗范围广泛的健康状况和患者群体, which requires a well-rounded education in both classroom theory and hands-on therapeutic skills. 物理治疗师助理项目通常是副学士学位, which can be completed in around two years by full-time students (or potentially faster through an accelerated program.)

在完成认可的培训项目后, aspiring physical therapist assistants must pass the National Physical 的rapy Exam (NPTE) for 和平 in order to receive a license from the state where they want to work. 的 NPTE proves you’ve mastered the necessary skills to treat patients safely and effectively, 通过考试是你成为家庭教师教师协会的一个重要里程碑.

和平 who want to specialize in home health care can also seek out additional certifications like 家庭健康高级能力 来自美国物理治疗协会. Advanced certifications build upon your existing knowledge and skill set to help you deliver even better home-based patient care. 它们还能让你对潜在雇主更有吸引力, 因为他们表现出更高水平的承诺, 能力, 以及你所选择的物理治疗领域的专业知识.

更详细地了解如何实现家庭健康家长会的职业生涯, 查看bbin宝盈娱乐客户端下载的深度指南 如何成为一名家庭健康物理治疗师助理.


除了在家里接受护理的方便, 家庭保健为居家病人提供了许多额外的好处. 在传统的理疗诊所, PTs和pta可能在多个患者之间来回波动, 限制他们和每个人相处的时间. Because home healthcare providers don’t have to juggle several patients at the same time, they’re able to provide more personalized attention and supervision during therapy sessions.

在繁忙的时候, 人手不足的物理治疗诊所, patients may finish a set of exercises and be left standing around waiting for their therapist or 家长会 to finish working with other people. 与此形成鲜明对比的是, increased one-on-one attention in a home healthcare environment can lead to better patient outcomes and greater patient satisfaction.

对于需要大量支持的慢性健康问题患者, home health care can also be an excellent way to alleviate pressure on family caregivers. Even the most selfless and kind-hearted person can eventually become burned out when they don’t have much time to themselves. Providers like home health 和平 can help improve their patients’ condition while also giving their long-term caregivers a chance to recharge.

最后, home health care can also be a much more cost-effective approach than constantly traveling to a hospital, 诊所, 或者康复机构. 对许多家庭来说,住院治疗费用高得令人望而却步, and receiving treatment at home can reduce the financial burden they face while accessing the care they need.


技术正在重新定义bbin大全/bbin白菜平台大全领域的方方面面, 家庭保健也不例外. Emerging tech like telehealth platforms make it possible for patients in remote or rural areas to receive personalized, high-quality care from 和平 or other providers without having to be physically present in the same location.

追踪病人运动模式的可穿戴设备, 平衡, and other data are another fast-advancing technology with major implications for physical therapy treatment. 的 information harnessed from these devices can provide valuable insights into how treatment is progressing and potentially identify patterns or issues that aren’t immediately obvious during a therapy session.

Virtual communication tools are another excellent tool for keeping patients connected with their 家长会 or other providers. 的se platforms may offer a direct line to providers or to a specially trained chatbot that can respond to frequently asked questions at any time of the day or night.

If a patient or their family has a question about their treatment plan or symptoms, getting informed answers as efficiently as possible helps keep their progress on track. It also enables taking quick action in the case of complications that could require medical attention.



Because home health care takes place in sometimes unpredictable living environments rather than a precisely organized 诊所, it can come with some challenges and potential liabilities for physical therapist assistants. Without easy access to some of the specialized equipment you might find in a physical therapy facility, 和平 must take special precautions while moving their patients (and themselves) around a home-based therapy environment to minimize the risk of falls or other injuries.

Home health settings can also come with a higher risk of exposure to environmental hazards like infections and allergens or potentially even out-of-control pets or unstable family members. 虽然大多数家庭护理经验通常是积极的, it’s important for 和平 to speak up to their supervising therapist if they notice something that could compromise a patient’s safety—or anything that causes them to feel unsafe or uncomfortable themselves.

确保每位病人都能得到高标准的护理, regulatory requirements also mandate extensive documentation among home health care providers. Keeping up with all the necessary paperwork is essential to protect yourself and your employer from liability and to ensure continuity of care between different healthcare teams.


Physical therapist assistants who work in home health care have the chance to witness incredible recoveries among some of their patients and to help many others greatly improve their standard of living. With the overall demand for healthcare services projected to rise significantly in coming years, home health 和平 should have many opportunities to make a positive impact in a rewarding profession.

的 right 家长会 program can make a major difference in your long-term success as a physical therapist assistant. 的 bbin大全/bbin白菜平台大全的物理治疗师助理项目 offers a flexible hybrid program that enables you to complete your degree in under two years while learning from 和平 with firsthand experience in different care settings. Whether you choose to specialize in home health care or another area of physical therapy, 你会有一个良好的基础,在此基础上建立一个成功的职业生涯.

想知道你的家长会职业生涯可能会有哪些不同的发展方向? 浏览bbin宝盈娱乐客户端下载的详细列表 顶级理疗师助理工作 and get a better feel for the many possibilities that come with earning your 家长会 degree.